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T264's Ceremony for Retiring a Maryland State Flag

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     The procedure for properly retiring a worn or torn U.S. flag is well known and the steps for respectfully retiring U.S. flags can be found in many places on the Internet. But what of the Maryland state flag? As no preferred means of retiring the state flag could be found (as of 2010), Scout Holland McCabe and Mr. Tim McCabe created the following presentation as a means of respectfully honoring the Maryland state flag. This script was presented for the first time at the Montgomery District’s Webelos Weekend campfire on the night of April 24, 2010, and this script was first published in the July 2010 Signaler, the troop's newsletter.

“Please remain standing for the retirement of the Maryland State Colors.”

“Color guard, please approach the fire.”

Speaker #1
I am the flag of Maryland, the 7th State, the Old Line State. I am the symbol of a state steeped in history, one who has been a vital part of America since its founding.

Speaker #2
Maryland gained the name “Old Line State” during the Revolutionary War, when General Washington bestowed the title on the state to honor the courage and dependability of the Maryland Line Infantry in battle.

Speaker #3
In Maryland, Francis Scott Key penned our National Anthem after he saw Old Glory flying through the attack on Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor in 1814.

Speaker #4
My colors come from the heraldry of the Calvert family, the colonial founders of Maryland. My current form comes from the flags used by Marylanders on both sides of the Civil War. The Black and Gold design was originally the only portion associated with Maryland, and it stayed with the Union. The White and Red “Bottany Cross” was favored by Marylanders fighting for the Confederacy.

Speaker #5
Both my designs originally came from Lord Calvert’s heraldry, yet I was split between the North and South during the Civil War. After the War, I was put back together again as the Union was reunited as well. In 1904, the Maryland General Assembly declared me the official state flag.

“Color guard, retire the colors.” (The MD state flag is respectfully placed on the fire)

“Camp Attention!”

“Scout Salute” (playing of TAPS)

This concludes our ceremony, God bless America.

Related Information

Maryland Flag Protocol from the Office of the Secretary of State

Boy Scout Troop 264 was established in 1927 and is sponsored by the Norman Price American Legion Post 68. Mr. Dennis Bogan is the Scoutmaster. All boys who have finished 5th grade and are 11 to 17 years old are welcome to join. Troop meetings are held at St. John's Episcopal Church on Route 108 in Olney on Monday evenings. For more information about the troop, contact