Scoutmaster Dennis Bogan has been Troop 264's scoutmaster for 23 years. During that time, more than 100 scouts have achieved Eagle Rank.
We think that merits a celebration.
We are asking your help in contacting Eagle Scouts from Troop 264 to let them know of this event.
At present [December 20], about 66 Eagle scouts have indicated they plan to attend
(LIST HERE). And not only just Eagles, all current and former scouts are welcome.
Save the date on your calendar and let us know you plan to come! (This is a private troop event.)
Ticket information. The date, time, and place are as follows:
- December 21, 2014 (Sunday), 1 PM to 4 PM
- The Heritage on the Montgomery, MD County Fairgrounds, Gaithersburg, MD. Plenty of parking is available.
Ticket prices-- December 6 and later |
Adults: | $ 20 |
Ages 6 to 12: | $ 15 |
Age 5 and under: | $ 5 |
This cost structure allows the troop to commit funds due in early December, while accommodating scouts and scouters who may not yet know
their schedule on Sunday, December 21.
ORDER TICKETS using the mail-in form HERE. Some
tickets will be available to walk-ins at the door, at the post-December 5 cost indicated above. No refunds since all money collected goes to cover
the costs of the event.
Mr. Bogan will say a few words during the event, but the focus is on the scouts. The event will be styled as an open meet and greet setting.
Come meet T264 scouts and scouters new and old, circulate, and catch up with people you may not have seen in years.
Refreshments will be served (more below).
Additional information will be provided as the event approaches and as details fall into place, via e-mail, the Signaler, and this web page.
Contact. A special e-mail address has been set up for this event – –
where you can express your interest in attending, volunteer to help as the date approaches, or ask questions. Please tell us your connection
with the troop with your ticket order and provide contact information. More details to follow in the coming weeks!
Pictures: Check through your pictures and send us a JPEG! We
anticipate having a projector or two on loops to display pictures on
the white walls of the hall. Pick your best and send them as an
attachment to with "PICTURES" on the
subject line (so that they can be sorted out from other e-mail
traffic). We are looking for pictures of Mr. Bogan in action as
well as scenes from past troop events. Please keep any e-mails with
attached pictures to about than 5 MB maximum so that they aren't
blocked by any server e-mail policies. And if you can tell us
anything about the pictures, include that too!
Photos: Many of you remember the great group pictures of
and 2011
We plan to do this again with the Troop Eagles in attendance, and
likely some other shots too. Scouter Jim Kirk will be bringing his
photography equipment to make this happen.
Uniforms: We encourage ALL scouts and scouters to wear their scout
uniforms at this event. Merit badge sashes too, they do look
impressive. Of course, we realize that many scouts/scouters won't be able to
find their uniforms, or it may not fit, or be too worn, etc. The
uniform is not mandatory for attendance at the 100+ Eagles event.
Food: T264 Eagle Scout John Delaney (his son Sean is now in T264)
is coordinating the food for the 100+ Eagles event. The exact menu
has not been finalized but expect things like (but not limited to)
meatballs, pineapple chicken, fruit and veggie trays, cookies, bagel bites, etc.
And sheet cakes. A variety of non-alcoholic drinks too. There will be
something for everyone.